Northwood Parish Council

Posted by NPC Admin on 6 September 2012, 8:00 pm



Minutes of the Meeting of Northwood Parish Council, held in Northwood Primary School, Wyatts Lane, Northwood, Isle of Wight on Tuesday, 3 July 2012


Present: Councillors John Pullen (Chairman), Judith Ferris, Paul Fuller, Ray Mew, Chris Riddet and Derek Smith
In attendance: 
Barbara Herbert (Clerk and RFO)
IW Cllr Roger Mazillius

There was one member of the public present.


49/12-13 To receive and approve any apologies for absence
Apologies had been received from Cllrs Pat Bentley, Megan Moore and PCSO Stephen Oatley.


50/12-13  Declarations of Interest
There were no declarations of interest made at this stage.


51/12-13 To receive a report by the Local Safety Neighbourhood Officer
In the absence of PCSO Oatley, the clerk presented the report of the Local Safety Neighbourhood (LSN) team on events that had taken place since the last meeting. June had again been a very quiet month.   Only one crime of note had taken place, that being of criminal damage to a bus shelter in Nodes Road. No reports of burglary, vehicle crime or violence against persons in Northwood had been received, although it was advised that the public should always ensure that they keep their homes secured and not to leave items on display in their vehicles.


52/12-13 To confirm the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 29 May 2012


THAT the Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on 29 May 2012 be confirmed, subject to a minor typographical error in Minute 32/12-13 and the Chairman authorised to sign them on behalf of the Parish Council.
53/12-13 Matters arising on the Minutes
There were no matters arsing from the Minutes.


54/12-13 Town and Country Planning
The following decision taken by the Local Planning Authority since the last meeting of the Parish Council, was noted:
TCP/31004 250 Newport Road, Cowes, Isle Of Wight, PO318PE – Conditional Planning Permission for a Single storey rear extension to provide dining room and bedroom and ground floor with additional living accommodation within roofspace


55/12-13 To consider the draft Code of Conduct produced by the IW Council, together with the revised Register of Interests and outline of a proposed new complaint process
Councillors considered the draft Code of Conduct produced by the IW Council, which had been amended to apply to members of Northwood Parish Council.  It was noted that the Isle of Wight Association of Local Councils (IWALC) had volunteered to place a block advert in the County Press so to publicise its adoption, in line with the regulations, as set out in the Act.  The revised Register of Interests now included the requirement to declare any interests that a councillor was aware of relating to a partner.  The Registers then had to be displayed on the IW Council website, as well as on that of the Parish Council.
The clerk circulated copies of the revised Register of Interests for councillors to complete and then return to her as soon as possible.

 THAT Code of Conduct produced by the IW Council, together with the revised Register of Interests and outline of a proposed new complaint process be approved.


56/12-13 To consider the letter from the IW Council regarding Settlement Boundaries and Local Green Gaps within the Medina Valley
To assist the IW Council in the preparation of the Medina Valley Area Action Plan (MVAAP), the Parish Council had been invited to have an input in shaping an approach that would then go out for public consultation.  To that end a number of questions required the responses of councillors.


i. THAT with regard to Settlement Boundaries, councillors agreed the following:
Q1 – No, the settlement of Northwood should not be included within the Cowes settlement boundary as the Parish Council wished for Northwood to retain its village identity, by preserving the village’s boundaries and community spirit therein
Q2 – No, there were no areas currently within the settlement boundary considered as should be outside
Q3 – No, there were no areas currently outside the settlement boundary considered as should be inside


ii. THAT with regard to Local Green Gaps, councillors agreed the following:
Q1 – Areas evidenced as being particularly under pressure from settlement coalescence were predominantly those identified in the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA).  The areas identified were all adjacent to existing developments.  There has been no real housing requirement identified within Northwood, particularly so for any large scale development, as the community’s needs are currently met.  There would be a genuine risk of overdevelopment of the village if any change in the settlement boundary occurred.
Q2 – Under the UDP the green gaps around Northwood were deemed to be protected areas, with residential development not being permitted to encroach on the important gaps between Cowes/Northwood or Northwood/Newport.  It is vital that this approach be continued. Part of the appeal for a tourist is the gaps between villages, to prevent the risk of turning the Island into suburbia


57/12-13 To consider the letter from the IW Council regarding Medina Valley Employment and Water Access Study
Councillors were aware the IW Council was preparing the Medina Valley Area Action Plan (MVAAP).  As part of this work the Parish Council had been given the opportunity to suggest any amendments and to have an input in shaping any possible changes that might be proposed. To that end a number of questions required the responses of councillors.


 THAT with regard to the Medina Valley Employment and Water Access Study, councillors agreed the following:
 Q1 – There were no other sites within Northwood to be considered
Q2 – Medina Wharf, if retained for its current existing use, is considered to be an important employment site within Northwood parish, providing an access and exit point for bulk materials to the mainland
Q3 – The future of this type of employment should be retained, but not to the detriment of the area or the island in general, in the context of sustainable development
Q4 – The threat to employment zoned sites is mainly due to possible residential or inappropriate industrial development


58/12-13 To consider the report regarding seating along the cycletrack


 THAT in the absence of any report by Cllr Fuller this item be deferred until the September meeting.


59/12-13 To consider the response of Cllr E Giles in response to concerns/questions regarding the new waste recycling proposals


 THAT the response of Cllr E Giles regarding the concerns/questions raised by councillors on the new waste recycling proposals, be noted.

60/12-13 To consider the letter from a local resident to the IW Council regarding the implementation of double yellow lines opposite Wyatts Close
Councillors expressed their sympathy with the concerns raised by a resident of Wyatts Close, who had written to the IW Council’s Highways section.  Councillors  agreed that due to the nature of the entrance to Wyatts Close, it could be rather dangerous for local residents to exit.  This was particularly so when cars were parked opposite.  However, it was deemed necessary for some form of parking provision for at least two cars to be retained, for when parents dropped off or collected their children from the scout hut.

 THAT, although it was noted a Parking Restriction Review was not currently scheduled, the Parish Council fully supported the request for the IW Council to consider this situation, opposite the entrance to Wyatts Close, with a view to an amicable solution being reached.


61/12-13 To consider the email forwarded by the IW Sports Council
Cllr Ferris had requested that this item be placed on the agenda so that consideration could be given to the funding opportunity for the provision of the StreetGames initiative.  This scheme had received funding of £150K through Sport England’s Sportsmatch programme.


 THAT Cllr Ferris make further inquiries into the StreetGames initiative and report back to the September meeting.


62/12-13 To receive an update on the meeting with Mr Peter Hayward, to consider the unresolved concerns regarding road closures and roadworks held by councillors


 THAT as no action had been taken to progress the proposed meeting with Mr Peter Hayward, this matter to form an agenda item for the meeting of the Parish Council in September.


63/12-13 To receive progress reports for information from Working Party leads
a. Traffic and Transport Issues Working Party
Cllr Riddet referred to the recent meeting between representatives of the IW Council and Southern Vectis to discuss the Community Bus Services scheme.  It had been reported to him that particular mention had been made of the following:
• Bus passes would be issued to all volunteer drivers who required them, with any claims for expenses to be considered individually by each local scheme
• Payment of medicals was still unresolved.  The IW Council to hold further talks with Southern Vectis
• The school bus contract not signed off, as yet
• CRB costs to be met by Southern Vectis
• The Certificate of Professional Competence had to be completed every five years.  Southern Vectis had agreed to pay the exam fee, although local schemes would have to meet participants travel costs, possibly to the mainland
• Southern Vectis were to resume the training of new recruits commencing on 13 July, aiming to provide 6 volunteer drivers per route
• The Management Committee were scheduled to meet on Friday, 13 July at Nelson Road, Newport, after which Cllr Riddet would provide a further update. It was suggested that a meeting of the Cowes, Northwood and Gurnard Community Bus scheme should take place after this date.
Cllr Riddet also highlighted a suggestion that had been put forward for the provision of a Sail Bus service during Cowes Week.  Although this was an interesting proposal for future years, due to the tight timescale it was just not feasible for this year.
b. Northwood in Bloom Working Party
Cllr Pullen expressed his thanks to those persons who had taken the time to weed some of the planters and flower beds around the village.  There still remained the two large beds in Uplands Road that required a good tidy up, particularly as the judging of the Wight in Bloom competition was due to take place shortly.  Some replacement plants were necessary to complete the planting scheme.  A list of those required would be considered at the next meeting.
Cllr Pullen declared a personal interest, as a Friend of Northwood Cemetery, when advising of the donation he had received, on behalf of the Parish Council, of a large packet of wild flower seeds.


THAT the packet of wild flower seeds be given to the Friends of Northwood Cemetery, as they would be better able to use them.


c. Parish Plan Update Working Party
During the discussion on this item, Cllr Fuller entered the meeting chamber.
In the absence of Cllr Bentley, it was suggested that a meeting of the Working Party be organised to progress the development of the Housing Needs Survey. The first step being the production and circulation of a questionnaire tailored specifically for Northwood, based on the Guide set out in the document ‘Local Development, Island Needs’.  Cllr Ferris offered her assistance.  It was also suggested that a request for interested volunteers to assist in this task be inserted in the Village Talk section of the County Press.


64/12-13 To receive the report for information of Cllr R Mazillius, the IWC Ward Member for Cowes South and Northwood
Cllr Mazillius apologised for not supplying a written report in time for circulation with the agenda.  A copy of the report had been emailed prior to the meeting and further copies were tabled for information.  Particular mention was made of the following:
• The IW Council’s Planning Unit were currently awaiting the outcome of a Screening Direction from the National Planning Casework Unit in respect of whether a formal Environmental Impact Assessment was required as part of the Asphalt Plant application.  This had subsequently had an impact on the timetable for the applicants to supply the additional information requested by planners
• Northwood primary school were to take the appropriate steps to become an Academy school, independent of it’s present relationship with the IW Council
• IW Cllr D Stewart had been elected as the Chairman of the Hampshire Police and Crime Panel.


65/12-13 To receive an update on the IW Association of Local Councils (IWALC) 
Councillors noted the minutes of the recent meeting of IWALC, together with the notes on the meeting provided by Cllr Ferris, who had been in attendance.


66/12-13 Clerk’s Report

i. The interim budget statement to the end of June 2012 and the bank reconciliation with Statement No 47 was received and noted.
ii. To authorise payment of cheques:
  THAT payment of the following cheques be approved:
 000274, £33.10, Mrs B Herbert, Clerks Expenses
  000275, £15.93, Chale Parish Council, Photocopying


67/12-13 Correspondence

Correspondence received was listed in the report circulated with the agenda and updated further at the meeting.  
Particular reference was made to:
• Item y – The request from Mr Le Pen for councillors to reconsider their decision to not undertake a Neighbourhood Plan. It was suggested that an invitation be extended to Mr Le Pen, for him to assist with the Housing Needs Survey, as his input would be most welcome
• Item z – Reminder of the IWALC training session on Neighbourhood Planning, on 21 July.  Cllr Ferris to attend this event
• Item cc – The Big Conversation, to be held on 4 July.  Cllr Ferris to attend this
• Item ee – The results of the Best Kept Village Awards.  An invitation had been received to attend this event on the 27 September.  No councillor expressed an interest in attending
• Item hh – Letter from Navitus Bay Development Ltd enclosing a CD regarding their proposal.  Cllr Ferris was furnished with the CD


68/12-13 Councillors’ reports
Cllr Pullen expressed his thanks to Cllr Riddet for undertaking, with him, the presentation of the jubilee mugs to the pupils at Northwood primary school.  The remainder had been passed to the Play School as a gift to those children due to leave at the end of this term.  Any surplus would be returned to Cllr Pullen.
Cllr Ferris advised of the death of Mrs Sylvia Pain, a long standing councillor on Gurnard Parish Council.  It was agreed to send a letter of condolence to her husband, Colin Pain.
Cllr Fuller reported that at the recent meeting of the Governing Body of Northwood primary school interest had been expressed in Wards Copse.  Cllrs Fuller and Pullen agreed to establish a joint meeting to discuss this matter further.  Cllr Fuller to provide a written report for the September meeting.


69/12-13 Future agenda items
No additional items were suggested.


70/12-13 To undertake a brief review of the meeting
No comment was made.

Signed …………………………………………….  Dated ……………………………..

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