Posted by NPC Admin on 19 December 2011, 5:05 pm
Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Northwood Parish Council, held in Northwood Primary School, Wyatts Lane, Northwood, Isle of Wight on Tuesday, 4 October 2011
Councillor John Pullen (Chairman)
Councillor Paul Fuller
Councillor Ray Mew
Councillor Chris Riddet
In attendance:
Barbara Herbert (Clerk and RFO)
PCSO Steve Oatley
Cllr Roger Mazillius, the Ward member for Cowes South and Northwood
There were two members of the public present.
100/11-12 Apologies
Apologies had been received from Cllrs Pat Bentley and Derek Smith.
101/11-12 Declarations of Interest
Cllr P Fuller declared a personal interest in Minute 111/11-12b – The 2013 Review of Parliamentary constituencies in England, as he had already submitted a personal representation.
102/11-12 To receive a report by the Local Safety Neighbourhood Officer
PCSO Steve Oatley presented the report of the Local Safety Neighbourhood (LSN) team on events that had taken place since the last meeting. September had again been a very quiet month, with virtually no crime of any note within Northwood. Those crimes that had been reported tended to refer to domestic crime rather than criminal. However, particular reference was made of the following:
• Wilful damage by unknown person(s) to the slide part of the ‘Edge’ piece of equipment, on the Venner playpark
• The Police were continuing to actively target vehicle crime in the Cowes area
• Hampshire Constabulary to repeat the roll out of Nemesis. This was a joint approach by various police departments with particular emphasis on burglary and vehicle crime and the LAG priorities identified.
• The suspected culprit of a £6k bicycle theft had been apprehended and was awaiting trial.
In discussion, it was agreed that Cowes and the surrounding area benefited greatly from the awareness and local knowledge of the LSN team.
103/11-12 To confirm the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 6 September 2011
THAT the Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on 6 September be confirmed and the Chairman be authorised to sign them on behalf of the Parish Council.
104/11-12 Matters arising on the Minutes
Minute 82/11-12 a Age Concern’s Good Neighbour Scheme – The clerk advised that due to the fantastic support in the local area sufficient new volunteers had been recruited to enable the scheme to commence. An official launch was due to take place on Wednesday, 12 October at St Andrews Hall, Cowes.
105/11-12 Town and Country Planning
a. The letter from the IW Council’s Tree Officer regarding land at Ruffins Copse, Off Pallance Road, Northwood was noted. It was suggested that a copy be forwarded to Gurnard Parish Council as Ruffins Copse fell within that parish.
b. The letter from the Campaign to Protect Rural England in association with NALC, which provided details as to how to download a PDF copy of the 8-step guide on how to respond to planning applications, was noted.
106/11-12 To set a further deadline for applications to the vacant positions of co-opted councillor
THAT the deadline for any applications for the positions of co-opted councillor be set as Monday, 24 October 2011.
107/11-12 Working Parties/Outside Bodies
a. In the light of the resignation of Cllr Roger Mazillius, to appoint at a minimum, one additional member and the lead councillor to the Northwood in Bloom Working Party
i. THAT Cllr Ray Mew be appointed to the Northwood in Bloom Working Party;
ii. THAT Cllr John Pullen be appointed as the lead councillor;
iii. THAT appointment of a further councillor to the Working Party be included again on the agenda for the next meeting.
b. To establish a Precept Working Party to consider a draft Precept for 2012/13
THAT a Precept Working Party be established comprising of Cllrs John Pullen, Paul Fuller and the clerk in order to determine a draft Precept for the year 2012/13, for consideration at the meeting in November.
c. To consider the appointment of a councillor to the Island Waste Committee
The clerk would forward details of the next scheduled meeting.
THAT Cllr Ray Mew be appointed as a councillor on the Island Waste Committee.
108/11-12 To consider if any further action is required following the response received from IW Cllr E Giles regarding the Highways PFI
Mr P Le Pen addressed the Parish Council making reference to the response received from IW Cllr E Giles to councillors’ recommendation, resolved at the previous meeting. Mr Le Pen gave his personal views on the reply and also quoted from the ongoing correspondence between himself and the IW Council. A proposed course of action was tabled by Mr Le Pen to assist councillors’ deliberations.
In discussion, it was suggested that a constructive way forward would be to extend invitations to an officer from the IW Council’s Highways Department and to the Cabinet member for Highways to attend a meeting of the Parish Council. They could then explain the Highways PFI and any other highways issues that councillors or local residents wished to raise.
Mr Le Pen highlighted the apparent difficulties he had encountered in obtaining a full response on the questions he had raised with the IW Council, to his complete satisfaction.
THAT invitations be extended for an officer from the IW Council’s Highways Department and Cllr E Giles, the Cabinet member for Highways to attend a meeting of the Parish Council.
109/11-12 The local Community Bus service – to give consideration to donations and banking implications
Cllr Pullen provided a summary of the meeting of the Management Committee held on 27 September.
• He had been given £79, being the total donations received to date on Service 32. Both Gurnard Parish Council and Cowes Town Council had been requested to confirm for Northwood Parish Council to be the holding authority for any funds received
• A notice to explain fare and donation structure was needed. The final wording to be agreed at the next meeting of the Management Committee
• Ticket machines to be mounted on all vehicles to keep an accurate record of passenger numbers. Training in the usage of this to be provided
• The current co-ordinator – John Holsburt to cease in this role due to other work commitments
• The Co-ordinator’s role was for approximately 16 hours per week, £12K per year. The IW Council had agreed to fund this up to the end of March 2012, Thereafter the cost to be divided equally between the planned six schemes
In discussion, a local issue was raised over the timing of the 32 bus service at the start of the route. A remedy had been suggested, which would be considered at the next meeting of the Local Community Bus Forum. Consideration would also be given for a secure container for any donations and fares received.
Additionally it was reported that a petition had been received calling for a possible amendment to the route to pass through Rew Street and Pallance Road. However, it was explained that as the existing routes had been advertised there was nothing that could be done until April 2012.
i. THAT, if acceptable to Gurnard Parish Council and Cowes Town Council, a deposit account to be opened at Lloyds TSB bank, using the existing signatories, to receive all donations/fares collected from the Service 32;
ii. THAT the suggested £1 charge for an adult fare, not part of a concessionary bus scheme, be agreed.
110/11-12 To consider the further request in respect of the proposal made by Leiston-cum-Sizewell Town Council
THAT Andrew Turner MP be requested to write to the Localism Minister, Greg Clark, asking him to please agree to implement the planning reform proposal to empower Parish and Town Councils, which had been submitted by Leiston-cum-Sizewell Town Council under the Sustainable Communities Act.
111/11-12 To consider what response, if any, to make with regard to the following consultations
During the following item of business Cllr Paul Fuller declared a personal interest as he was a member of the IW Council’s Children’s and Young Persons Scrutiny Panel.
a. The IW Council’s proposed new home to school transport policy for pupils
THAT Northwood Parish Council supports the proposed new IW Council’s home to school transport policy for pupils.
b. The 2013 Review of Parliamentary constituencies in England
THAT Northwood Parish Council supports the recommendation to have two Members of Parliament representing the Isle of Wight. However, in the light of the desire to achieve more community cohesion, it was considered that neither of the parishes of Newport and Ryde should be dissected.
112/11-12 Clerk’s Report
a. Finance
i. The interim budget statement to the end of September 2011 and the bank reconciliation with Statements No 38 were received and noted.
ii. The half yearly budget statement to the end of September 2011 was received and noted.
The clerk highlighted the anticipated year-end over-spend of £1,100.00. This was due, primarily, to the costs for watering the tubs/planters around the village, which had not been budgeted for in the Precept for 2011/12 and the increase in the External Auditors charges due to Play Builder grant.
iii. To authorise payment of the following cheques:
000226, Post Office, Clerks salary for August
000227, £37.23, Mrs B Herbert, Clerks Expenses
000228, £13.93 Chale Parish Council, Photocopying
000229, £215.68, C&K Watering Services, Monthly watering services
000230, £480.00, Audit Commission, cost of annual audit
000231, £50.00 Navigus Planning
THAT the above cheques be approved for payment.
iv. To approve the costs for the installation of the additional seat on the play park
Cllr J Pullen advised of his intention to research the cheapest option to securely fasten the new seat to the concrete base on the play park. Cllr P Bentley had agreed to assist in the preparation of the concrete base prior to the installation of the seat.
v. To consider the application for funding received from the Cowes Concert Band
THAT a grant of £50 be approved to the Cowes Concert Band.
b. Administration
i. To consider undertaking an inspection of the Council’s assets
THAT Cllr J Pullen be appointed to undertake an inspection of the Parish Council’s assets and report back to the next meeting.
ii. Councillors noted that the External Auditor had completed their audit and that the information contained in the annual return was in accordance with the Audit Commission’s requirements, with no matters giving cause for concern
113/11-12 Report of Cllr R Mazillius, the IWC Ward Member for Cowes South and Northwood
The report of Cllr Roger Mazillius, which had been circulated by email prior to the meeting, was received and noted. Particular mention was made of the following:
• A typographical error in the first paragraph. The name of the new PC should read Sarah Waldergrave.
• PC Waldergrave had actually replaced PC Mark O’Sullivan. PC Mark Thomas was not to be replaced.
• Volunteer bus drive training – Cllr Mazillius had to discontinue his training at the present time, as he could not accommodate the dates scheduled for the training sessions with his work as an IW Council councillor.
• The Highways PFI
• The H2O sign at the four-cross junction, which he had reported to Planning Enforcement.
114/11-12 Progress reports for information from Working Parties
a. Traffic and Transport Issues Working Party
This item had been considered earlier in the meeting.
b. Northwood in Bloom Working Party
Cllr Pullen had visited Ryde House Nurseries, the previous day, to order the winter planting. Subject to councillors’ approval, the plants could be delivered during the following week. Volunteers would be needed to clear the existing stock.
THAT payment of the shortfall of £84.49 be approved, in order to cover the total cost of the winter planting.
c. Village Design Statement Working Party
No report had been received.
d. Football Pitch Working Party
An update was provided on the meeting held with officers from the IW Council. A number of options had been discussed and it was suggested that the Working Party meet on 18 October to evaluate these and to report back.
115/11-12 Update on the IW Association of Local Councils
A copy of the Minutes of the recent meeting would be circulated in due course. In future, Cllr Pullen agreed to make brief notes on any matters of relevance that arise at these meetings.
116/11-12 Correspondence.
Correspondence received was listed in the report circulated with the agenda and updated further at the meeting.
Particular reference was made to item aa. the letter received from Mr Dave Burbage, the IW Council’s Strategic Director of Resources providing six months notice of their intention to cease payroll services for all outside bodies. The clerk would investigate alternative providers and report back to a later meeting.
117/11-12 Councillors’ reports
No matters were reported.
118/11-12 Future agenda items
November meeting
Youth Representation – Cllr P Fuller
119/12-12 To undertake a brief review of the meeting.
A ‘cracking’ meeting.
Signed ……………………………………………. Dated ……………………………..
Parish Council