Northwood Parish Council

Posted by NPC Admin on 7 October 2012, 7:57 pm



Minutes of the Meeting of Northwood Parish Council, held in Northwood Primary School, Wyatts Lane, Northwood, Isle of Wight on Tuesday, 4 September 2012


Present: Councillors John Pullen (Chairman), Judith Ferris, Paul Fuller, Chris Riddet and Derek Smith
In attendance: 
Barbara Herbert (Clerk and RFO)
IW Cllr Roger Mazillius
PCSO Steve Oatley

There were no members of the public present


71/12-13 To receive and approve any apologies for absence
Apologies had been received from Cllrs Pat Bentley and Ray Mew


72/12-13  Declarations of Interest
Cllr Smith declared a non pecuniary interest in Minute No 76/12-13c as he knew the owners personally and also maintained a business directly opposite the site


73/12-13 To receive a report by the Local Safety Neighbourhood Officer
PCSO Oatley presented the report of the Local Safety Neighbourhood (LSN) team on events that had taken place since the last meeting. The previous 60 days had again been a very quiet, with only five reported crimes having taken place within Northwood.   Particular reference was made of the following:
• One case of domestic assault
• One notable crime of forced entry and burglary from stables in Pallance Lane – the Country Watch team were promoting the need, island wide, for all equipment to have identification marking and be stored securely
• At the end of July, an incident of criminal damage to two parked cars in Uplands
• Theft of the key to the WI hall
• A recent matter of the sign at Medham Farm Lane junction being uprooted.


74/12-13 To confirm and authorise the Chairman to sign the Minutes of the previous meeting of the Parish Council held on 3 July 2012 and the Extra Ordinary Meeting held on 7 August 2012


THAT the Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on 3 July 2012 and the Extra Ordinary Meeting held on 7 August 2012 and the Chairman authorised to sign them on behalf of the Parish Council.
75/12-13 Matters arising on the Minutes
Minute 60/12-13 parking restriction for opposite entrance to Wyatts Close – The clerk advised that she had forwarded the Parish Council’s comment to the IW Council’s Traffic Management section, to be placed on file, until a review of parking restrictions in Northwood next took place.  The IW Council were unable to offer any sort of estimate as to when this might occur


77/12-13 Declarations of Interest forms
The clerk confirmed that all Declarations of Interests forms had now been received and placed on the IW Council’s website.  The final Declaration form would be uploaded onto the Parish Council’s website by the end of the week


76/12-13 Town and Country Planning
a. To confirm the Minutes of the Planning Committee held on 17 July 2012


THAT the Minutes of the Planning Committee held on 17 July 2012 be approved


b.  To consider the following applications received and make comments in accordance with the guidance for material planning considerations listed at
i. TCP/31184 58 Pallance Road, Northwood – Demolition of house.  Construction of 3 detached homes and vehicular access


THAT Northwood Parish Council welcome the application TCP/31184 58 Pallance Road, Northwood for 3 detached homes on this site. It was agreed that the proposal would greatly enhance this particular area.  However, it was suggested that any approval should be conditioned stipulating that contractors’ vehicles should be parked on-site while the building work was being undertaken, so to prevent any highway safety concerns and inconvenience to neighbouring properties and road users


ii. TCP/15284/C 2 Crockers Cottages, Pallance Gate, Newport, Isle Of Wight, PO305UA – Change of use of land for keeping of horses; proposed stable block comprising two stables and hay store/tack room


THAT Northwood Parish Council raises no material planning objections to the application TCP/15284/C 2 Crockers Cottages, Pallance Gate, Newport, Isle Of Wight, PO305UA 


iii. TCP/30985 Former landfill site, adjacent Coal Yard, Medina Wharf, Arctic Road, Cowes – Proposed asphalt plant together with associated ancillary facilities including a mobile cold recycling plant, mobile crusher, weighbridge, offices, lorry park, storage bays, workshop and access (additional information)(readvertised application)

Cllr Fuller declared a pecuniary interest in the following item of business and withdrew from the meeting chamber

Councillors all confirmed that they were in receipt of the two emails from a local resident setting out her representations to the application.


i THAT the confirmation from the Secretary of State advising that a formal Environmental Statement (ES) was not required under the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations, was noted;
ii. THAT following consideration of the additional information submitted by the applicant in response to the original request from the Local Planning Authority, councillors confirmed that they felt it unnecessary to discuss the application further as the situation remained unchanged and that the response to the re-advertised application would be that of the original approved resolution:
“That this Parish Council strenuously opposes the application TCP/30985 for a proposed asphalt plant, together with associated facilities on the following grounds:
• An unacceptable increase in traffic and associated noise/pollution, in particular in the area of Artic Road
• The danger posed by emissions in an increasingly populated area
• Past planning history (refusal for a development of a similar nature)
• The potential for pollution/damage to the River Medina
• The lack of an independent Environmental Study
• The nuisance to residents over a wide area from odorous emissions
• Noise pollution
• Loss of visual amenity to local residents
• Conflict with the Eco Island strategy
• The threat to future inward investment, with particular regard to good quality housing and ‘High end’ industry”


Cllr Fuller returned to the meeting chamber


iii. To consider the invitation from PDE Consulting Ltd, the planning consultant for Eurovia Roadstone to attend a closed door meeting to discuss informally the Planning Application TCP 30985 – Proposed asphalt plant together with associated ancillary facilities application


 THAT a response be made to the invitation from PDE Consulting Ltd indicating councillors preference for an open meeting to take place to receive a presentation on the proposals for Medina Wharf, suggesting the 18 September as a possible date


c. To give consideration to the report on the proposed Comforts Farm SHLAA site.
Councillors were referred to the report of Cllr Fuller advising of the action taken following a number of concerns raised by residents of Pallance Road following an article, which appeared in the Gurnard News that highlighted the new Gurnard SHLAA sites being considered.  Although Comforts Farm was itself within Northwood, its land was classified as being in Gurnard.  Any development of the site in the future would potentially have a far greater impact for Northwood residents, rather than those living in Gurnard.


THAT the report be noted and Cllrs Fuller and Pullen be thanked for their good work


77/12-13  To consider action to be taken in the light of the resignation of Megan Moore as parish councillor


 THAT a deadline date of Tuesday, 30 October be set for the receipt of any applications to the position of co-opted councillor, to enable an appointment at the November meeting


78/12-13 To consider the report regarding seating along the cycletrack
Following comments made by a few local dog walkers over the lack of seating along the cycletrack, Cllr Fuller had undertaken initial investigations into the feasibility of providing some provision at strategic points.  Cllr Fuller suggested the possible installation of inexpensive, robust concrete seating. Sources of potential funds were highlighted.  It was also suggested that an approach should be made to Cowes Town council with a view to them sharing the expense.  However, before an inquiry was made further work was required to determine the actual costs involved for the seats and their installation, and also as to whether prior approval would be required from the IW Council.
Councillors in discussion on this subject suggested that there was also a need for additional dog litter bins along the cycle track.

 THAT Cllr Fuller undertake an investigation into the costings and funding sources available, in order to provide some form of seating along the Cowes – Newport cycle track and to report back at the next meeting of the Parish Council  


79/12-13 To consider any action to be taken in respect of the Street Games initiative
Cllr Ferris reported on her meeting with Mr Stuart Chatfield, IW Cricket Development Manager.  The initiative being proposed appeared to fulfil the criteria of the scheme ‘Chance to Shine’.  Mr Chatfield was most positive, having already discussed the matter with Northwood Cricket Club (CC).  The next step would be to develop a suitable application for funding with his support.    A meeting was therefore to be arranged between Mr Chatfield, Northwood CC, Cllr Ferris and any other interested councillor. Cllr Riddet expressed his interest in also attending as he had connections with the cricket club


 THAT Cllr Ferris provide a progress report on the Street Games initiative at the next meeting of the Parish Council


80/12-13  To consider the extract of the meeting held on 7 February 2012 in respect of undertaking an Emergency Plan
Councillors were minded to take no further action in this regard as, being only a small Parish Council, there was insufficient resources to cope with the consequences of any full scale emergency.  It was considered that in Northwood there were sufficient small organisations that would all willingly combine together to support any demand for assistance, if a need was identified, without the requirement for a formal written plan.

 THAT no further action be taken in respect of undertaking an Emergency Plan for Northwood


81/12-13 To consider the extract of the meeting held on 7 February 2012 in respect of the Green Towns project
Cllr Ferris confirmed that she had obtained a copy of the Green Street Flyer.


 THAT the item in respect of the Green Towns project be deferred until the New Year


82/12-13 To consider the report on Ward’s Copse
Councillors were referred to the report providing background information to the venture to progress the potential, community woodland management of the Glebe land, at Wards Copse.  At the end of the school term the Head Teacher had advised that Northwood School were now in a position to take the lead on this project and were also seeking advice as to whether the school, within its Eco-Schools remit, could look further into becoming a Forest School.


 THAT the report be noted


83/12-13 To consider the complaint letter sent by Freshwater Parish Council to Davina Fiore, the IW Council’s Monitoring Officer


 THAT Northwood Parish Council, since first established, could not recall any instances where enforcement had not been appropriately actioned in a timely manner


84/12-13 To consider action to be taken in the light of the deteriorating condition of the football nets at Venner Avenue playpark
Cllr Pullen reported on his visit to the IW Council’s stores, at Seaclose, with Mr A McIntyre, the IW Council’s Parks Officer.  The nets and posts stored on behalf of the Community Partnership were unfortunately for the game of handball and would not be compatible for football use.  The Community Partnership were planning to advertise them for sale, in order to try and recoup the costs of their purchase.
The nets used for the five-aside football pitch in Venner Avenue were showing some signs of wear, but currently were not a health and safety issue.  Cllr Smith volunteered that he had two possible contacts that might be able to affect a repair to the holes in the netting.  When, eventually, it was deemed necessary to replace the nets the likely cost would be in the region of £80 – £100.


 THAT the report be noted


85/12-12 To consider making a response to DEFRA’s Consultation on the IW Coastal Path
The Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 provided for a coastal trail to be established around the whole English coast.  Unfortunately, as an island, the Isle of Wight had not automatically been included under the provisions of the 2009 Act.  A special Order would need to be prepared and signed at the discretion of the Environment Minister for this to happen.  Due to the importance that a coastal trail could have to the Island’s economy, the IOW Ramblers had campaigned for several months for the Islands inclusion.  This had resulted in Defra issuing a consultation paper seeking opinions on whether such an order should be signed and what priority should be given to the Island for the implementation of the 2009 Act.


 THAT Northwood Parish Council responds to the consultation expressing their full support of  the IOW Rambler’s aims to have an Order signed by the Environment Minister to include the Isle of Wight in the provisions of the 2009 Marine and Coastal Access Act
86/12-13 To re-confirm the Parish Council’s intention for a young person to attend future meetings of the Parish Council
Due to the major changes over the last school year, staff at the Cowes Enterprise College had focussed their attention on the re-organisation of the education system as their main priority, with little progress having been made for one of their pupils to attend future meetings of the Parish Council.  Cllr Fuller mentioned his contact with the Island’s Youth Council, who were very supportive of the scheme and of their agreement to assist in facilitating that it being replicated across the island.


 THAT Cllr Fuller continue to progress for a young person to attend future meetings of the Parish Council


87/12-13 To receive an update on the meeting with Mr Peter Hayward, to consider the unresolved concerns regarding road closures and roadworks held by councillors
It was reported that a meeting had still not taken place.  Mr Hayward was only prepared to accommodate councillors if new concerns/issues were to be discussed.  The email response he had previously provided to the questions raised, was in Mr Hayward’s view, a full and satisfactory reply.  During the past months Cllr Fuller had attempted to collate councillors further concerns, with no success.


 THAT councillors forward their concerns to the clerk by Monday, 10 September to facilitate a request to Mr Peter Hayward, of the IW Council, for a joint meeting, at his earliest convenience


88/12-13 To note the letter regarding the Highways PFI contact
The clerk advised that she had already responded to the letter, dated 9 August, advising of the dates of meetings of the Parish Council and of the Planning meetings scheduled to be held during the months of October, November and December.


THAT the letter of 9 August regarding the Highways PFI contract, be noted


89/12-13 To receive progress reports for information from Working Party leads
a. Traffic and Transport Issues Working Party
Matters had been fairly quiet over the summer period.  To fill a perceived need, a suggestion had been made by a volunteer driver that an extra, early morning service should be diverted via Rew Street.  However, to comply with regulations a minimum of 47 days notice was required for any change in the  route, so no action had been taken.  New buses were coming on stream, which was welcomed as the current fleet were now rather old.  Thanks were expressed to Mr Alan Stott, the community bus co-ordinator for all his hard work in the continuing success of the scheme.
b. Northwood in Bloom Working Party
Cllr Pullen, together with other members of the Working Party had recently visited Ryde House Nurseries to place an order for the winter planting.  Unfortunately, the grant from the Wight in Bloom scheme, this year, only covered the summer planting and any unused funds were not permitted to be carried over.  The winter planting had been estimated to cost £234.00, plus £5 delivery charge.  This would be met in part from the IW Council’s Economic Improvement Fund.  When the current plants had been removed all the tubs would be repainted with preservative before being planted up again.
It was anticipated that a meeting would be convened by the IW Council, before Christmas, to discuss the continuation of the Wight in Bloom scheme for 2013.


THAT it be approved for an order to be placed for the winter planting, at an estimated cost of £234.00, plus £5 delivery charge


c. Parish Plan Update Working Party
Members of the Working Party had met with planning officers at the Seaclose Office.  A general discussion had taken place with regard to the need or otherwise for a Northwood Neighbourhood Plan.  The decision to inform parishioners fully of the identified Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) sites and to consult in connection with the outlook for the future of Northwood was covered in some detail; as was the style of questionnaires which might be used and method for distribution/collection.
The importance to align any action with the Area Action Plan (AAP) was considered to be vital.  One route that could be followed would be to use the help offered by planners and produce a revised Parish Plan, in tandem with their AAP.  The Working Party had agreed this to be the most effective and efficient way forward.  The Senior Planning Officer, Mr Ollie Boulter requested that meetings on a regular basis should take place to ensure both parties continue to work in compliance.
Discussion ensued on how best to commence the process and the next steps to be taken.  Attached to the agenda was a suggested letter that could be circulated, with also a map depicting the sites, to all residents apprising of the 13 potential SHLAA sites in Northwood. 
However, it was reported that Gurnard Parish Council had recently circulated a questionnaire requesting local residents’ views on the long term future of their area.  Councillors considered the advantages of providing a similar copy, as the initial step forward.  By customising this questionnaire the parish council would be able to determine the local community’s view on the sort of place they would like Northwood to be, in the years ahead; how land should be used and developed in the village, the size or type of buildings that was felt acceptable and establish the demand for local housing needed for those living or working in the Parish.   This information was essential in the production of a comprehensive Parish Plan.

i. THAT Cllr Fuller circulate a copy of the Gurnard questionnaire for comment to all councillors;
ii. THAT the Working Party formulate a Questionnaire appropriate for Northwood residents, to be presented to the next meeting of the Parish Council for approval;
iii. THAT Cllr Fuller produce an article regarding the potential SHLAA sites for the Northwood News


 90/12-13 To receive the report for information of Cllr R Mazillius, the IWC Ward Member for Cowes South and Northwood
Councillors were referred to the report of Cllr Mazillius, which had been circulated prior to the meeting.  A 24 hour re-instatement notice had been issued in respect of the street sign at the Medham Farm junction.  It was noted that this should be undertaken the following day.  Mention was also made of the National Council Tax Benefit scheme, which was due to be abolished and the planned public consultation on proposed options by the IW Council to address the funding gap.


91/12-13 To receive an update on the IW Association of Local Councils (IWALC) 
The report on the meeting of IWALC held on 19 July was received and noted.


92/12-13 Clerk’s Report
a. Finance
i. The interim budget statement to the end of August 2012 and the bank reconciliation with Statement No 49 was received and noted. The clerk advised that since the agenda had been printed the sum of £865.50,  in the form of bus donations had been received and paid into the bank account.
ii. To confirm the payment of cheque No 000276, £30.00, Mr W Suttman, volunteer bus driver expenses


THAT payment of cheque No 000276, for £30.00, to Mr W Suttman be confirmed to be financed from the bus donations received
iii. To authorise payment of cheques:
  THAT payment of the following cheques be approved:
000277, £105.39, Mrs B Herbert, Clerks Expenses
000278, £21.35, Chale Parish Council, Photocopying
000279, £475.20, Urbaser Ltd, Emptying of Dog Bins
 000280, £50.00, Navigus Planning, Annual subscription for the Journal of Local Planning


b. Administration
i. To consider the purchase of a holly wreath for Remembrance Day


THAT the purchase of a holy wreath be approved, up to a maximum sum of £25.00


ii. Councillors noted that the External Auditor had completed the audit of the annual return for the year 31 March 2012 and concluded that the information contained within it was in accordance with proper practices and no matters gave any cause for concern

93/12-13 Correspondence
Correspondence received was listed in the report circulated with the agenda and updated further at the meeting. 


94/12-13 Councillors’ reports
There were no matters reported.


95/12-13 Future agenda items
October Meeting
Report on the meeting of the Island Waste Management Committee, which had been held on 30 August.


96/12-13 To undertake a brief review of the meeting
No comment was made.



Signed …………………………………………….  Dated ……………………………..

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