Posted by Admin on 3 June 2007, 12:00 am
PRESENT: P Fuller (Chair), R Mazillius CC, P Brooker, C Cramp, Mrs P Elford, Mrs E Palmerton, C Palmerton and D Miller.
IN ATTENDANCE: Mrs M Yule (Secretary) PC Mark Thomas, Sgt Julie Cocks, Mr Clive Joynes (Election and Land Charges Manager) and Mr Chris Mathews (Head of Democratic Services)
Mr Miller challenged the validity of the meeting as it had been called at short notice and had not been displayed on the notice board. Mr Mathews agreed that the correct protocol for displaying meetings had not been followed, but this did not make the meeting invalid and resolutions could be made. He also clarified the point that the Chairman can call a meeting if he thinks it necessary and the fact that this meeting was bolted on to the previous advertised Planning meeting, made good use of the member’s time. Also, the meeting could not have been called earlier than the day of the outcome of the IW Council meeting and with the deadline for comments occurring before the next scheduled full meeting, it was sensible to call an extraordinary meeting. The Chairman acknowledged that a new set of procedures was needed to ensure that this situation did not occur again and would be drawing up a list of proposals for discussion at the next full meeting. Mr Matthews also told the group that the Constitution took precedence over Standing Orders and any changes that may be needed would have to be by request to him.
P Fuller lodged a personal interest, as he had written a personal letter of objection. Cllr Mazillius also lodged a personal interest.
Mr Joynes gave an outline of the Boundary Review procedure and the need for a review. Many of the island areas were outside of the size criteria, which is plus or minus 10% of the average. Reducing the number of councillors from 48 to 40 would raise the average number to 2800; therefore, as Gurnard and Northwood are below this, changes would have to be made. Mr Joynes explained that many factors were taken into account, such as, schools and police beats and it was clear that Northwood did not want to be bisected. To join Northwood and Gurnard as they stood would make the area too large; therefore, the recommendation was extend Northwood in to the present Cowes Castle West ward. Mr Joynes showed the meeting a map outlining the present area and the proposed area. This would place an approximate additional 1000 electors into the ward (based on 2011 projection) which would be 1.9% over the average. Mr Joynes went on to explain the review timetable. The IW Council recommendation would go the Review Committee in the following week and by mid September the first draft would be published; there would then be twelve weeks to comment before the final report is issued.
It was stressed that this would not affect emparishment.
A discussion took place and although it was agreed that the ideal situation would be to merge with Gurnard, the 10% threshold made this impossible. Sgt Cocks said she had no immediate comments to the proposals; however the police beats would have to change.
The Committee took a vote and it was resolved to support the IW Council recommendation. The Chairman reminded the members that they could make personal recommendations to the Boundary Committee but these must be in by 4thJune.
RESOLVED: That, the following comments would be sent to the Boundary Committee:
As representatives of the current Northwood Electoral Division, the Committee support the Isle of Wight Council’s submission to the Boundary Committee on the review of the Electoral Divisions, with respect to the proposed augmented Northwood Electoral Division. The support is for the following reasons:
1. The proposal keeps the whole of the current Electoral Division (and community) together whilst adopting a 40 electoral division partitioning. (This follows positive amendments made by the Isle of Wight Council to an earlier consultation draft in response to community comments).
2. The projected number of electors within the proposed Northwood electoral division is compliant with the desired distribution, and lower than would be the case had existing Northwood and Gurnard Electoral Divisions been combined.
3. The proposed Northwood Electoral Division comprises the Northwood Electoral Division and closely geographically located areas.
4. Those closely located areas have a similar household mix (unlike Gurnard which is perceived to have a higher proportion of second or executive homes and leisure water frontage).
5. The elected Isle of Wight Councillor for the proposed Northwood Electoral Division would represent an electorate that would have local representation by both Cowes Town Council and Northwood Village Management Committee (or Parish Council, expected from 2008). This supports greater community cohesion.
6. The closely located areas are perceived to have similar issues to the current Northwood Electoral Division in that they are located around the main transport artery between Cowes and Newport (whereas Gurnard may have more issues with respect to Waterfront Developments).
There being no further business the Chair declared the meeting closed at 7.25pm
Signed…………………………………. Date……………………….
Parish Council