Parish Council Meeting

Posted by NPC Admin on 5 March 2009, 12:00 am


Minutes of the meeting of Northwood Parish Council, held in the Women’s Institute Hall, Northwood, Isle of Wight on Tuesday, 3 February 2009.

Present: Councillors John Pullen (Chairman), Paul Fuller (Vice Chairman), Peter Brooker, Colin Cramp, Marie Ely, Colin Palmerton, Roger Mazillius, Eileen Turner Palmerton
In attendance: 
Ms Sharon Packer, the Rural Housing Enabler for the Isle of Wight
Grahame Deacon – Environment and Neighbourhood Officer
PC Lisa Paul
Barbara Herbert (Clerk and RFO)

There were no members of the public present.

210. Apologies

There were no apologies tendered.
211. Declarations of Interest

Cllr Mazillius declared a personal and prejudicial interest in Minute No 218 as he was a member of the Northwood Community Partnership
Cllr Fuller declared a personal and prejudicial interest in Minute No 218 as he was a member of the Northwood Community Partnership
Cllr Mrs E Turner-Palmerton declared a personal and prejudicial interest in Minute No 218 as she was a member of the Northwood Community Partnership
Cllr Palmerton declared a personal and prejudicial interest in Minute No 218 as he was a member of the Northwood Community Partnership

212. Report of the Local Safer Neighbourhood Officer

PC Lisa Paul presented the report of the Local Safer Neighbourhood Officer.  Particular mention was made of the following:
The meeting of the Safer Neighbourhood Community Forum held on 28 January, at Birmingham Road, Cowes, which had identified three main priorities for the forum.  These being the lack of parking in Cowes, anti-social behaviour by youths and the lack of facilities for youths.
The crime figures overall for Cowes, Northwood and Gurnard combined, were down by nearly 23% on all aspects of crime compared to the same period last year.
No reports of criminal damage or assault had taken place during January
PCSO Steve Oatley had been appointed to provide help and assistance on crime prevention, if so required, to any vulnerable person in Northwood.  A notice was to be placed in the Northwood News advertising this service.  Councillors stressed that this must be handled sensitively to not heighten the perception of crime in the area.  PC Paul was advised that PCSO Oatley should contact the WI, as a good starting point for the dissemination of information.

213. Presentation from Ms Sharon Packer, the Rural Housing Enabler on the results of the recent Housing Needs Survey

During the following item of business, Cllr Fuller declared a personal interest as a member of Gurnard Parish Council.

Ms Packer referred to the Housing Needs Survey (HNS), which had been undertaken in November, to investigate the affordable housing need of people who live in Northwood and to gauge local opinion.  Of the 1,000 questionnaires distributed, 89 or 8.9% of forms had been returned.  This was considered to be some way below an average response.  The report set out the key findings and identified that 11 households stated that they would have a local housing need at some time within the next five years.  Of these 8 were specific with their requirements.

Discussion ensued on the recommendations outlined in the report, together with the advantages/disadvantages of undertaking a joint scheme with a neighbouring Parish Council.  Using the HNS as an evidence base, the report indicated that there was a need for 4 to 6 houses, with a mix of rented and some shared ownership properties.  However, this could increase to 10 to 12 houses, if those households on the IW Housing Register were taken into account.

A list of suggested sites, which had been taken from the HNS, formed part of the report.


i. THAT the Housing Needs Working Party, in liaison with Cllr Mazillius, investigate the location of an appropriate parcel of land, where the landowner was agreeable for a small affordable housing scheme to be undertaken and to report back to a future meeting;

ii. THAT Ms S Packer be thanked for the work she had undertaken on behalf of the Parish Council.

214. Minutes of the Meeting held on 13 January 2009


THAT the Minutes of the meeting held on 13 January 2009 be approved.

215. Matters Arising on the Minutes

There were no matters arising.

216. Town and Country Planning

a. To consider the following application received and make comments in accordance with         the guidance for material planning considerations listed at

 TCP/29443 Skinners farm, Pallance Road, Cowes – Demolition of farmhouse, outline for  replacement of existing derelict farmhouse, full permission for construction of 2  barns; use of farmhouse unrelated to agriculture


THAT the revised wording on the re-advertised application be noted and that the Parish Council raise no material planning objections.

b. The following decision taken by the Local Planning Authority since the last meeting was noted:

TCP/21271/Z Land north of units 27 – 32 Somerton Industrial Park, Newport Road, Cowes – Conditional planning permission for the construction of light industrial workshop with office accommodation at first floor level; new access roads and parking.

217. To consider the arrangements for the Annual Meeting of the Parish

The clerk advised of a number of dates during April and May when the WI hall would be available.  Cllr Brooker also advised of dates of the availability of a member of the IWC’s Planning Policy team who would make a presentation on Northwood issues. Cllr Mrs Turner-Palmerton offered to request the WI to organise refreshments for the evening.

i. THAT the annual meeting of the parish be held on Friday, 29 May, in the WI hall commencing at 7.30 pm;

ii. THAT it be confirmed for a member of the IWC’s Planning Policy team to be invited to  make a presentation on Northwood issues;

iii. THAT refreshments be organised up to a maximum cost of £50.00.

218. Million Blooms 2009

Cllrs Fuller, Mazillius and Turner-Palmerton having declared personal and prejudicial interests left the meeting room and took no part in the discussion or decision thereon.

Prior to members leaving the meeting room, a number of councillors questioned the need for them to actually to do so.  Although the clerk advised them of their duty to leave the room, it was requested that further confirmation be sought from the IWC.  The Chairman agreed to undertake this.

Cllr Palmerton also having declared a personal and prejudicial interest remained, as the spokesperson for the Community Partnership, to answer any questions that might be raised, but took no part in the decision thereon.

i. To approve the waiver of financial regulations 11.1 (a) & (b) in respect of the Million Blooms project

The clerk advised that there were two distinct issues for decision:

a. One of the conditions of the award for the Million Blooms scheme was the requirement for the project to be completed by 1 March.  Due to this very tight timescale set down by the IWC, this gave very little time for three quotations to be obtained, as required by the Parish Councils’ Financial Regulations.


THAT the waiver of Financial Regulations 11.1(a) and (b) be agreed due to the very tight timescale involved.

b. The estimate of the Community Partnership for the works identified was tabled.  One further estimate had previously been received.  However, it was noted that this contractor was unable to commence work until the end of March at the earliest.  In the update report, included with the agenda, it was mentioned that Dean Ottley had offered to move the Post Office troughs to Coronation Avenue for free.


THAT the Community Partnership be appointed as the contractor for the Million Blooms scheme at a cost of £2,500 as they were the only contractor to be able to meet the prescribed timescale.

219. Report of Mr G Deacon, the Environment and Neighbourhood Officer for Northwood

This item was bought forward on the agenda.

Mr Deacon, with reference to his visual audit report, confirmed that issues 6 and 9 had now been undertaken. He had also submitted a request for two replacements dog bins for the Venner Avenue play park and the cut, adjacent to the Horseshoe public house.  Mr Deacon expressed his willingness to meet with any councillor, at any time, so that they might walk the streets of Northwood together to identify any issues, which required remedial attention.

Cllr Mazillius circulated photographs taken of a tidy up and litter pick he had taken part in with Mr Deacon.

Following a number of questions raised, the Chairman thanked Mr G Deacon on behalf of the Parish Council
220. To consider what action to take, if any, in respect of the Big Tidy Up campaign

Information was noted of the national campaign, launched in September 2008, with a view to encouraging as many community groups as possible to register by the end of February 2009, to take part in litter pick and tidy up events during March 2009.  The Isle of Wight Council were actively promoting for an island wide event to take place.  Cllr Fuller agreed to put a request in the Northwood News for any interested persons, who would like to become involved in the Big Tidy Up, to attend the next meeting of the Parish Council.


THAT it be agreed for the interest of the Parish Council to be formally registered and for further discussion to take place at the next meeting in March.

221. To consider what response to make, if any, to the following consultations:

a. Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Authority – Draft Integrated Risk Management Plan 2009 – 2014



THAT Councillors make individual responses direct, prior to the deadline date.

b. Road Safety Compliance Consultation


i. THAT Councillors make individual responses direct, prior to the deadline date;

ii. THAT this Council supports the suggested proposals for increased penalties, to deter motorists from ignoring existing safety measures designed to reduce injuries on the road.

c. Code of Recommended Practice on Local Authority Publicity Consultation


  THAT the consultation be noted.

222. Clerks Report 

a. Administration

Data Protection Act 1988

The clerk reminded the Parish Council that they held personal data, particularly in respect of the provision of allotments.  Failure to register with the Information Commissioner’s Office was a criminal offence.


THAT it be agreed for the Parish Council to register with the Information Commissioner’s Office at a cost of £35 per annum.

b. Finance

i. The interim budget statement up to the 17 January 2009 and the bank reconciliation with Statement No 6 were received.

ii. The clerk reported that a stop had been placed on cheque No 000023, dated 3 December 2008, for £417.32 in favour of the IW Council, as it appeared the cheque had been lost in the post.  A duplicate cheque No 000032 had been issued as a replacement.

iii. To authorise payment of the following cheques:
000033, £29.80, Mrs B Herbert – Clerks Expenses
000034, £11.64, Chale Parish Council, Photocopying
000035, £262.50, Broker Network Ltd, Insurance Policy with Norwich Union
000036, £100.00, Northwood Community Partnership, donation towards the cost of entries in the Northwood news during 2008.
000037, £35.00, Information Commission, Data Protection


 THAT the above cheques be approved for payment.

223. To receive progress reports from Working Parties:

i. Allotments Working Party

Reference was made to the written report received.  In addition a summary of the draft tenancy agreement was advised, a copy of which would be circulated by the clerk for comments.   It suggested, that subject to Standing Orders, the Chairman and the clerk would sign the tenancy agreement on behalf of the Parish Council.  Each allotment holder would pay rent during the first three years of £30 per annum, with a minimum rent of £500 per annum payable to the landowner. This would increase for the remaining two years of the term to £600 per annum or at the rate of £35 per plot in use, whichever sum was the greater.  The clerk confirmed that she would write to all persons on the waiting list, to ascertain confirmation of their interest and to invite them to attend the next meeting.


THAT the report be noted and it be agreed for a ballot to be held, at the March meeting of the Parish Council, to allocate identified plots to all prospective allotment holders.

ii. Traffic and Transport Issues Working Party

Reference was made to the written report received.  An Action Plan and a priority list was tabled, which set out proposals of 6 short to medium projects and 2 medium to long term projects for the Working Party to achieve.  It also suggested that the size of the Working Party be increased to include 2 Parish Councillors, the Ward member, 1 youth advisor, 1 police representative and 3 community representatives, who had an interest in the work to be undertaken. 


THAT the Action Plan be approved and for Cllr John Pullen to be appointed to the Traffic and Transport Issues Working Party.

iii. Housing Needs Working Party

In light of the earlier agenda item there was no further information to report.

iv. Village Design Statement Working Party

The Village Design Statement guidance was anticipated soon.  When received and digested a written report would be provided with a view as to how to take this issue forward.

v. Youth Forum Working Party

Reference was made to the written report provided.  It was considered that the current Terms of Reference was wide enough to accommodate the authorisation requested.

vi. Community Facilities Working Party

The Chairman and the clerk were thanked for providing a brief letter of identification.  Due to the recent inclement weather little progress had been made on the production of the directory of local businesses.

224. Report of Cllr R Mazillius, the IWC Ward Member for Northwood

The report of IW Cllr R Mazillius, which had been circulated with the agenda, was noted.

The Chairman expressed his thanks, on behalf of the Parish Council, to both Cllrs Mazillius and Fuller for their work in representing the views of local residents in respect of the Hillis Gate Caravan Park application. 

Cllr Mazillius made reference to the planning application at 34 Wyatts Lane, which he had agreed for it to being taken as a delegated decision by the local planning authority.


225. Correspondence

Correspondence received was listed in the report circulated with the agenda and updated further at the meeting.

Cllr Brooker confirmed that should the Parish Council be billed for his non-attendance at the Quality Status course he would recompense the charge.

A query was raised as to why the cost of the Funding and Bid Writing course had been increased by £2.00.  The clerk agreed to question this with the IWC’s Parish team.

226. Councillors’ Reports

A written report by Cllr Fuller had been previously circulated, which included a brief summary of the recent meeting of IWALC.

Cllr Pullen advised that he had attended the course on achieving Quality Parish status, along with Cllrs Mrs Turner-Palmerton and C Palmerton.

Cllr Mazillius advised that the IWC might well decide to reconsider the proposal to withdraw the Parish Council grant for grass cutting and maintenance of churchyards.  A decision would be taken by the meeting of the Cabinet on the 10 February.

Cllr Brooker confirmed that a meeting of the Brainstorming Working Party was scheduled for Tuesday, 17 February.

Future Agenda Items

March Meeting:

Quality Status



Signed …………………………………………….  Dated ……………………………..

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