Northwood Parish Council

Posted by NPC Admin on 6 August 2008, 12:00 am


Minutes of the meeting of Northwood Parish Council held at Northwood Primary School, Wyatts Lane, Northwood, Isle of Wight on Tuesday, 1 July 2008, commencing at 7.00 pm.

Present: Councillors John Pullen (Chairman), Paul Fuller (Vice-Chairman), Peter Brooker, Colin Cramp, Roger Mazillius (CC)

Also Present: Barbara Herbert (Clerk and RFO)

Sgt Julie Cocks, Hampshire and Isle of Wight Police Constabulary

There was one member of the public present.

  1. To appoint to the casual vacancy on the Parish Council


THAT Mrs Marie Ely be appointed to the casual vacancy on Northwood Parish Council.

  1. Declarations of acceptance of office from Cllr Pullen and the newly appointed councillor

The declarations of office of Cllrs Pullen and Mrs Ely were received.

  1. Election of a Chairman for the remainder of the ensuing year


THAT Cllr Pullen be elected as Chairman for the remainder of the ensuing year.

  1. Declaration of acceptance of office of the Chairman

The declaration of acceptance of office of the Chairman was received.

  1. Election of a Vice Chairman for the remainder of the ensuing year


THAT Cllr Fuller be elected as Vice Chairman for the remainder of the ensuing year.

  1. Declaration of acceptance of office of the Vice Chairman

The declaration of acceptance office of the Vice Chairman was received.

  1. Apologies

Apologies had been received from Cllrs Palmerton and Mrs Turner-Palmerton who were on their annual holiday.


THAT the reasons for the non-attendance of Cllrs Palmerton and Turner-Palmerton be authorised as approved reasons for absence.

  1. Declarations of Interest

Cllr Pullen declared a personal and prejudicial interest in Minute No 65 as he was a member of the Northwood Community Partnership.

Cllr Fuller declared a personal and prejudicial interest in Minute No 65 as he was a member of the Northwood Community Partnership.

Cllr Mazillius declared a personal and prejudicial interest in Minute No 65 as he was a member of the Northwood Community Partnership.

  1. Police Report

Sgt Julie Cocks provided an update on incidents, which had occurred in the Northwood area over the past month. These included:

        • A scrap metal theft from the industrial estate and the subsequent arrest of two persons from Freshwater

        • No reports of damage, although there had been two domestic issues

        • An incidence of fly tipping on 4 June – the number-plate of the vehicle used had been obtained

        • A moped was reported as being driven along the Cowes/Newport cycleway – the Isle of Wight Council (IWC) had agreed to install a sign advising of the prohibition of the driving of mopeds.

        • A speeding motorcyclist, who regularly exceeded the speed limit in the vicinity of the speed camera on Horsebridge Hill, had been arrested and his bike seized

An SK8 event was being organised by the Cowes Youth Forum, to take place at Northwood Recreation Ground on 19 July, between 11 am and 4 pm. Events would include a competition for skateboarders, with the Police Constabulary providing trophies and prizes for the winners.

Sgt Cocks confirmed that she would approach the Police traffic unit with a view to requesting them to undertake speed checks along Nodes Road, near to the junction of Pallance Road. The results would be reported to a future meeting of the Parish Council, which could then be circulated in the Northwood News.

  1. Minutes of the meeting held on 3 June 2008


THAT the Minutes of the meeting of Northwood Parish Council held on 3 June 2008 be confirmed, subject to amendment of two minor typographical errors and that the Chairman be authorized to sign the Minutes as a true record.

  1. Matters Arising

            1. Minute 35, Housing Needs Survey – Cllr Cramp reminded of the figures, received from the IWC, of those persons resident in Northwood who had stated a preference on the housing register for housing in Northwood. The clerk advised that she had received figures from the IWC Electoral Services advising of 1008 properties in Northwood. However, as this number did not relate to just residential properties, she was requested to try and ascertain this figure.

            2. Minute 38, Northwood Bus Services – The clerk reported that Mr R Adams, the clerk for Gurnard Parish Council, had been instructed to set up the joint meeting regarding bus service provision in the Cowes area. However, no details had yet been received. The Parish Council welcomed the news from Cllr Fuller that, since the receipt of that information, he had approached IW Cllr J Effemey agreeing to take the lead in organising the proposed meeting.

  1. Town and Country Planning

a. The minutes of the meeting held on 17 June 2008 were noted.

  1. To give consideration to the following application received and to make comments in accordance with the guidance for material planning considerations listed at

TCP/29083 77 Venner Avenue, Northwood – Proposed two storey side extension and conservatory


THAT there were no material planning objections in respect of this application.

  1. c. The following decisions, taken by the Local Planning Authority since the last meeting, were noted:

      1. TCP/29003 56 Pallance Road, Cowes, PO31 8LW – Refusal of planning permission for the demolition of bungalow and garage, outline for two dwellings with parking and alterations to vehicular access.

      1. TCP/29031 16 Fieldway Crescent, Cowes – Approval of a single storey rear extension to form a study.

      1. TCP/1309/F 52 Pallance Road, Cowes, PO31 8LW – Approval of planning permission for a detached dwelling with parking/turning area (revised scheme)

  1. To consider the way forward to undertake a Housing Needs Survey

Following discussion of the best way forward it was


  1. THAT a Housing Needs Working Party be established comprising of Cllrs Brooker, Cramp and Ely;

  1. THAT the terms of reference of the Housing Needs Working Party be to identify and develop the Housing Needs Demand and Strategy and to report back to future meetings of the Parish Council on progress.

  1. To consider and prioritise five actions of greatest relevance from the Parish Plan


THAT this item be deferred to the next meeting of the Parish Council, in August.

  1. To consider the best way to determine whether there is a demand for the provision of allotments under the Small Holdings and Allotments Act 1908, s23

Councillors noted that the Northwood Community Partnership had received a number of expressions of interest from residents regarding the provision of allotments in Northwood, which established a possible demand. As the Parish Council had a duty to consider any written request, received from six or more electors, the clerk was instructed to place posters around the village requesting that any expressions of interest should be sent to her in writing. Advertisements would also be placed in the Northwood News and Beacon.

Councillors were informed of a land-owner who might be willing to make a parcel of land available.


THAT posters be displayed requesting any expressions of interest in having an allotment, these to be addressed to the clerk for administrative purposes.

  1. Consent to display an advertisement under the Town and Country Planning Act (Control of Advertisement Regulations) 2007

Cllrs Fuller, Pullen and Mazillius had declared personal and prejudicial interests in the following item of business, as members of the Northwood Community Partnership. Cllr Fuller and Cllr Pullen left the meeting room and took no part in the discussion or decision thereon.


THAT in the absence of the Chairman, Cllr Brooker be elected Chairman for the following item of business only.

Cllr Mazillius outlined the request received from the Northwood Community Partnership for the Parish Council to submit to the Local Planning Authority the application, for consent to display an advertisement under the Town and Country Planning Act (Control of Advertisement Regulations) 2007 in respect of the new notice board, on their behalf. The Parish Council would be able to obtain a 50% discount reducing the cost to £167.50, which the Partnership had agreed verbally to reimburse in full.

Cllr Mazillius, following a number of questions, left the meeting chamber and took no part in the discussion or decision thereon.


THAT the item be deferred to the next meeting in order for the following information to be obtained:

  1. What provision, if any, had been made for all weather level access, including disabled access, in order for any persons to be able to read the notice board;

  1. What alternative sites were explored and the reasons why they were rejected, including the site of the existing notice board.

Cllrs Fuller, Mazillius and Pullen returned to the meeting room. Cllr Pullen resumed the chair.

  1. To consider how best to engage with the local community

This item was considered alongside the proposal to establish a Brainstorming Working Party, as detailed in Minute No 67.

  1. To establish a Brainstorming Working Party

Councillors supported the proposal to form a working party to consider ideas and suggestions to promote the effective and efficient workings of the Parish Council. It was felt that clear objective statements were necessary for the meeting to be more productive. Cllr Fuller agreed to provide a written paper, to be circulated to all councillors alongside a questionnaire checking their availability, as it was considered essential for all councillors to have the opportunity to participate.

Cllr Mazillius referred to an email he had circulated on 29 April, on a very similar theme. He agreed to forward this to the clerk for re-circulation to all councillors.


THAT a Brainstorming Working Party be established comprising of the full membership of the Parish Council, to discuss suggestions on the best way forward and priorities for the Parish Council and to report back any recommendations to a future meeting.

  1. Appointment of a representative and a deputy to the Isle of Wight Association of Local Councils (IWALC)


    1. THAT Cllr Fuller be elected as the representative to IWALC for the reminder of the ensuing year;

    1. THAT Cllr Pullen be elected as the deputy representative to IWALC for the reminder of the ensuing year.

  1. Appointment of a Publicity Officer

Consideration was given to the appointment of a publicity officer for the remainder of the ensuing year. Cllr Brooker agreed to provide assistance if and when needed.


THAT Cllr Pullen be appointed as the Publicity Officer.

  1. Letter Heading

It was suggested for a competition to be run enabling any child under the age of 16, who lived in Northwood or attended a Northwood/Cowes area school to design a suitable logo for the Parish Council. The logo would need to be acceptable to be printed in both grayscale and colour format. Small monetary prizes of £25, £15 and £10 would be awarded to the top three entrants, with a donation of £25 going to the school/organisation of the winning entrant. The closing date of the 30 September would still enable schools/clubs to participate, even if they were effected by closure during the summer holiday period.


THAT a competition be organised for any child, who lived in Northwood or attended a Northwood/Cowes area school to design a suitable logo for the Parish Council.

  1. The draft Parish Charter

No further comments were received on the draft Parish Charter.

  1. Report of Cllr R Mazillius, the IWC Ward Member for Northwood

The report of IW Cllr Mazillius, which had been circulated with the agenda, was noted.

  1. Correspondence

Correspondence received was listed in the report circulated with the agenda and updated further at the meeting. It was agreed for the clerk to attend the conference ‘Power to the Parishes’, being organised by the IWC’s Parish team on 4 September at Gurnard Pines. This event was open to both clerks and councillors. The clerk would circulate further details of the event, as they were received.

  1. The Clerks Report

  1. Finance

To authorise payment of the following cheques:

000001, £62.06, Mrs B Herbert, Clerks Expenses

000002, £214.78, Isle of Wight Association of Local Councils – Annual Subscription


THAT the above cheques be approved for payment.

  1. Administration

To consider the list of current signatories authorised to sign on the bank account with Lloyds TSB, in view of any decisions taken above


THAT Cllr J Pullen replace the clerk as an authorised signatory for drawing cheques on the Lloyds TSB bank account.

  1. Councillors reports

Cllr P Fuller circulated a written report on his activities over the past month.

Cllr C Cramp advised that he had submitted a financial report to the Rural Community Council in respect of the Parish Plan. They would raise an invoice to cover the monies outstanding.

Cllr R Mazillius mentioned the recent event held at the Horseshoe Public House. The licence holder had erroneously considered that he had obtained consent for live entertainment to take place outside the premises. Five more events had been planned over the summer period. The IWC were to take steps to monitor the situation and to ensure that sound levels were set at a reasonable point.

  1. Future Agenda Items

August Meeting

(carried forward from previous meeting)




THAT in view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted, that the press and public be temporarily excluded and that they be instructed to withdraw from the meeting chamber

  1. Clerks terms and conditions

    1. To approve the Clerks contract

The clerk agreed to provide a written undertaken that a risk assessment had been carried out on her premises in accordance with Clause 10.1.1.


THAT subject to a minor amendment to Clause 10.4 the Clerks contract be approved and signed by the Chairman.

      1. To approve her membership to the Local Government Pension Scheme


THAT it be approved for the clerk to join the Local Government Pension Scheme in accordance with Clause 19.1, of her contract.

Mrs B Herbert left the meeting room for the following item of business.

      1. To approve an agreed sum to compensate in using her home as an office and for depreciation of the office equipment used, including a private computer and printer.


THAT the clerk receive the sum of £25.00 per month, subject to annual review, to compensate in her using her home as an office and for the depreciation of all office equipment she provided.



Signed …………………………………… Dated ……………………………….


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