Posted by Admin on 26 August 2012, 2:40 pm
Tel: 01983 295556
Asphalt Plant – Medina Wharf
The outcome of an application by objectors for a decision to condition a full Environmental Survey still awaits determination by the appropriate authority. Until this is decided, the application will not proceed. I hope to be able to report soon that this impasse has been resolved one way or the other so that the application can proceed to determination.
In the meantime, I am under continued pressure from some residents to publicly declare my complete opposition to the entire application even though the additional important and wide-ranging further information required is still awaited and of course the whole merits or otherwise of the application are professionally reviewed by the Case Officer in his Report to the Planning Committee together with appropriate recommendations.
Along with many of those interested in the outcome of this contentious application who are waiting for such a Report, I will be able to make a decision with full knowledge of all the facts and relevant issues, a view I am pleased to say which echoes that of Cowes Town Council’s Planning Committee.
I attended the recent public meeting in East Cowes and asked the meeting Chairman to speak to answer some completely inaccurate comments about Councillors’ involvement by some public speakers but was firmly refused being told this was a meeting for residents not Councillors!
Granary Facility at Medina Wharf
An application to expand this facility has just been made. This expansion if granted will I expect strengthen the economic viability of this important bulk waterside access site. A similar application was granted a while ago and this new application seeks to upgrade the new system for which permission has already been given the new application seeks to replace the diesel powered drying system with one based on bio-fuel. I know some residents are concerned at fume pollution from such fuel. I am following this up with the planners.
Cold Calling
I have had reports of canvassers for solar panels cold calling on homes in Northwood, despite it being a “No Cold Calling Zone” and most homes displaying the yellow and black “No Calling” sign. Please remember you have absolutely no need to engage with such salespersons whatsoever. Please let me know if you have any particular concerns. Remember also the many and varied types of scams both by telephone and mail inviting you to e.g. send money to claim a prize for something you never entered in the first place or to give your bank or credit card details over the phone. Just hang up or put such mail in the bin!
Somerton Park & Ride and Cemetery Bus Shelters
Several panes were broken at these bus shelters recently and there have unfortunately been several other similar acts of vandalism in the Town which have been fully reported to the police. If any resident has any useful information about these matters please ring 101 or contact me direct.
Road Surfaces
I with other Councillors have received a lengthy report from our Highways Director about the failure of the binder used by our contractors when re-surfacing many of the Island’s roads earlier this year. The contractor has accepted full liability for this failure, which has also occurred in several other local authority areas. New re-surfacing work is being planned for the autumn. I can email a full copy of the report upon request.
New Provision at The Moorings Residential Home, Egypt Hill
I was pleased along with several other Cowes Town Councillors to accompany the Mayor on his official opening of the significant expansion to this highly regarded local residential care provision. The commitment and foresight by the owners is to be much commended and the additional high quality bedrooms with facilities will I am sure be well used by our ever increasing older population.
Key Stage 2 SATS Results
The first of these important results although provisional at present show a most impressive rise in the educational attainment of our 10-11 year olds. The results at Gurnard and Northwood were particularly impressive but both Cowes and Lanesend Primaries showed most commendable increases in pupil performance. This momentum of improved results will of course need to be sustained and I have no doubt Pupils and Parents, Headteachers, Teachers and School Governors will be working hard to deliver this next year.
Much controversy arose from the decision to move to a two-tier educational system to amongst other improvements bring about an increase in KS2 SATS results by ending the move to Middle Schools which interrupted the two year KS2 programme when pupils had to move to another school after the first programme year. So I am most certainly “cautiously optimistic” that these results support the two-tier decision.
Proposed Behaviour Unit at Love Lane
I recently attended a meeting with Headteacher Caroline Sice to discuss this proposal which still has several issues which need addressing. I am pressing for another public meeting which will inform residents of the results of the original consultation and what next steps are proposed by the Council.
Diamond Jubilee Medallions
I was most pleased to distribute the special carded medallions to my local Primary School in Northwood. The delight of the children at receiving such an historic memento was observed by all and I was also pleased to present to the school as a part of their history display a souvenir jug produced in 1897 to commemorate Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee.
Contact Me
As usual I am available to residents to discuss any concerns, answer questions etc by telephone, letter or email. I am also pleased to meet residents by appointment either at home or County Hall where incidentally our new Customer Service Centre is incorporated into the main entrance opposite the Police Station.
Best wishes
Parish Council