Posted by Admin on 9 June 2006, 12:00 am


Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 6th June 2006, at Northwood School at 7:00pm


Those in attendance: Peter Brooker, Colin Cramp, Paul Fuller (Chairman), Roger Mazillius CC, David Miller, Eileen Palmerton and Ron Willis.

Members of the public: Colin Palmerton (Chairman, Northwood Community Partnership)

22. Apologies: Apologies were received from John Pullen.

23. Declarations of Interest: No Declarations of Interest were made.

24. Public Question Time: No questions were received from members of the public.

25. Minutes of the meeting of Northwood Village Management Committee held on 25th April 2006: The minutes were signed as a correct record of the meeting.

It was resolved that all future minutes, published prior to any subsequent meeting should bear the imprint “Subject To Approval At The Next Meeting Of Northwood Village Management Committee”

26. Matters arising: Reference item 12 – It was noted that another training event is due to be held on 27th June 2006, and that any member requiring advice or training should contact Sue Chilton at the Isle of Wight Council. Paul Fuller will contact Liz Murray at the Isle of Wight Council and circulate further information.

27. Police reports: No member of the constabulary was in attendance and no report was submitted.

28. Standing orders: It was noted that due to the nature of the relationship between the Management Committees and the Isle of Wight Council the Standing Orders of the Town and Village Management Committees are the same as those of the Isle of Wight Council.

Paul Fuller will look into the length of subsequent meetings, whilst Peter Brooker would investigate neighbouring Town and Parish Councils standing orders as a guide to best practice.

29. Correspondence: The majority of correspondence had already been circulated and dealt with via e-mail.

It was noted that Northwood Primary School would be holding an open day on Wednesday 7th June 2006, and an e-mail relating to consultation by the Planning Department of the Isle of Wight Council was circulated.

30. Planning Applications Overview: It was noted that the normal cycle for commenting on routine planning applications was three weeks, and thus some applications may not come before Northwood Village Management Committee for comment if the application was published just after the regular meetings on the first Thursday of each month. It was also noted that holding meetings on a Thursday was proving to be very difficult in terms of booking venues.

Following a discussion it was decided to combine this item with number 18 on the agenda, and following a short debate it was resolved that: The regular meetings of the Northwood Village Management Committee would henceforth be held on the 1st Tuesday of every month at 7:00pm at a venue to be announced, and that a meeting of the Northwood Village Management Committee would also be held on the 4th Tuesday of every month. The meeting on the 4th Tuesday would be cancelled if there were no planning applications which could not be discussed at the normal meetings on the 1st Tuesday of every month, and members would be advised of this.

31. Planning Applications: Two planning applications were available for discussion:

· 111 Wyatts Lane, Application for a two storey extension – The Northwood Village Management Committee raised No Objection to the application in principle at this moment in time.

· 54 Wyatts Lane, Application for Listed Building Consent for replacement of two windows – The Northwood Village Management Committee raised No Objection.

It was noted that the Northwood Village Management Committee needs to take steps to publicise exactly what the Committee can do with respect to the consultation process for Planning Applications.

32. Councillors report: Councillor Roger Mazillius gave a report on the following items:

· An abandoned vehicle outside 9 Venner Avenue had been removed.

· It was noted that Joan Biggs had dealt with the entry for Northwood in the Calor Gas Village Of The Year competition.

· An issue had been raised relating to youths playing football near vehicles in Wroxall Close. Medina Housing Association will monitor the matter.

· The Highways department of the Isle of Wight Council had dealt with some obstructive parking in Pallance Road.

· The Planning Appeal for Lower Luton Farm had been heard, and the inspector had reserved judgement for the time being.

· Cllr Mazillius informed the Committee that he had been elected as Vice-Chairman of the Isle of Wight Council.

33. Terms of reference. A debate was conducted on Paper C issued with the agenda, and no decision was taken at this stage. Paul Fuller reported that he and Colin Palmerton (Chairman of Northwood Community Partnership) had met with Sue Chilton to discuss the future of the Partnership's future.

On the advice received, Northwood Community Partnership resolved to become a sub-committee of the Management Committee. Councillor Mazillius felt that a number of items required clarification before he could support this happening. These items include:

· Is a constitution for the Partnership still necessary?

· Does the Partnership still need a link with the Isle of Wight Council?

· Who now accepts public liability for the Partnership funded fixtures, such as benches and flowerbeds?

· Clarification needs to be sought on the reasoning behind the Partnerships resolution to become a sub-committee of the Northwood Village Management Committee.

Councillor Mazillius and Clive Joynes would get these items clarified, before the July meeting, where this item will be resolved.

34. Budget. It was resolved to adopt the budget as set out in Paper D with the agenda, subject to amendment to show that the £250 already spent has in fact been spent on plants, shrubs and goal-posts.

Details were sought on the excess level which would apply to the public liability insurance, and does the insurance cover members of the Committee carrying out minor repairs, etc., or does an approved contractor scheme need to be used?

35. Formation of Sub-Commitees. It was resolved that none be created at this stage, subject to clarification of the position of the Partnership.

36. Appointment of clerk. It was resolved to adopt the Job Description as circulated at the meeting. Paul Fuller would pursue the job applicants for the position. It was resolved that interviews should be held in the evenings, with an interview panel comprised of Paul Fuller (Chairman), and Peter Brooker and David Miller, with Roger Mazillius as reserve. Advise will be sought on the contractual basis, if any, of the clerks position in relation to the Northwood Village Management Committee and the Isle of Wight Council. The Committee resolved to give delegated powers to the interview panel to appoint a clerk.

37. Co-option of members. Following a short debate it was resolved that there was no need to co-opt further members at this point.

38. Parish Plan report. A report was received on the Parish Plan and noted by the Northwood Village Management Committee. There was a need for more formal meetings for members of the Parish Plan, and it was noted that currently there are five members forming a Steering Group, with a further twenty Topic Leads.

39. This item was combined with item 9, above.

40. Communications. It was clarified that this item related to external communications, and it was resolved to postpone the item to the next meeting. Members were asked to bring forward proposals on effective methods of communicating with residents to the next Committee meeting.

41. Minutes of Northwood Community Partnership. These had not been circulated, and as a result were not discussed.

42. Any other business. The following items were noted:

· The Committee needs to think about the implications of the Freedom of Information Act and the need to have a Publication Scheme. Peter Brooker agreed to write a paper on this matter within the next two months.

· Colin Cramp presented the Chairman with a copy of the folder given to the Committee by the Isle of Wight Council at the recent open day. This would be circulated to all members in due course

· Roger Mazillius noted that a concert was being held at Northwood Church at 7:00pm on 24th June 2006.

· Eileen Palmerton queried the length of meetings with the Chairman.

43. The meeting closed at 9:15pm, with the next meeting due to be held on the 27th June 2006, subject to the receipt of any relevant planning applications.

Clive Joynes

Acting Clerk to Northwood Management Committee

Wednesday 7th June 2006.

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