Posted by Admin on 5 June 2016, 7:53 pm
Minutes of the Members Meeting held on Thursday 2nd June 2016 in the hall.
President – Mrs Fay Bunday welcomed members to the meeting.
Apologies – Mrs Elisabeth Hamilton, Mrs Morag Cook, Mrs Denise Hunter and Mrs Denise Williams.
Visitors – Paul Fyfield our Speaker and Sarah Hughes.
Bestival – Sarah gave a brief talk on the Bestival at which the IWWI have a tea tent. The Bestival this year will be from the 8th – 11th September. She said it was the main fund raising event for the Island WI. They would appreciate lots of cakes but none containing nuts, also help is needed but you would have to be very fit as the tea tent is on a slope. A list has been left with us, which will be sent round at the next meeting. The cost of Tea/Coffee/Water and Cakes will be £1 each this year. When it first started years and years ago the cost was only 50p.
Update on Joan Furnell – Anne Jonas visited Joan the week previous to the meeting. Joan is still in hospital and has had a slight heart attack. The hospital has also lost a vital part of her Calliper, so she is unable to walk until they get correct fitting.
Birthday Lady – This month on the 9th is June Thistlewood who will be 80 years old. June was presented with a lovely rose bush.
Outing on the 11th May – June gave an update on her husband Ade who had a very nasty fall on the day.
Last Meeting – 12th May – was very disappointing with only 10 ladies present.
Annual Meeting – 18th May. Judeth Baker gave her report, saying that it was not a good venue and very hot. The meeting was not as good as previous years as there were no speakers. The usual IWWI business was conducted.
Meeting – 19th May between NPC and us. It seems very favourable that a committee will be formed between NPC, NWI and any other interested persons. An open meeting is to be held on Tuesday 19th July, 10am in the hall.
Art & Craft – Last one on the 19th May was very good and the next one will be on 16th June.
Secretary’s Report/Treasurer’s Report/Hall Report were all given.
Ramble – Will be on the 9th June. Meet at the Stag 10.30am and walk partly along the railway line then back to the Stag for lunch. Ladies who cannot do the walk can meet at the Stag, 12noon for lunch with the walkers.
Summer Jumble – 25th June. Stalls will include – Cakes, Bric-a-Brac, Books, Jumble, Grocery’s, Nearly New, Raffle and refreshments. Quite a few members put their hands up to help. Be at the hall for 11am.
Christmas Meeting – 1st December. Members agreed for us to seek entertainment and to have an American Lunch.
Next Meeting – We have Mr Kingsbury and Mr Manser giving a talk on “The History of Parkhurst Prison”. Competitions are for 4 Chocolate Chip Cookies and BGB.
We then had a break for tea, raffle and competition results. The Tallest Weed was won by Mary Chick with June Thistlewood coming second and the BGB winner was Fay Bunday.
Speaker – Paul Fyfield very kindly donated to NWI a £100. Paul recently did a walk round the Island for 4 Charities of which we were one. He then had us all doing seated exercises, which Paul teaches all over the Island. (He holds a class at NWI Hall on Monday’s 12 – 1pm) Judging by the laughter most seemed to enjoy the exercises. Anne Jonas gave the vote of thanks.
With no other business the meeting closed at 4pm.
Parish Council